Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Adventures of A Girl

There live a girl in a city. It's a new city for her. Searching for a new school is her goal right now. 17 years old girl means she is now in the 2nd year of high school. Her father and mother give her own chance to choose her own favorite school. "Which school?" she always thinks that whenever she go out to town. At last she found the school. An interesting one.

St. Gourmet Academy

Her father take her to the school. She must take the entry exam before she can enter the school. It's of course easy for her. She was the top students in her previous school. But, something strange happens. She passed the exams but is taken to the lowest class of the year...

Year 2 Class D

All the teacher there was shocked about a girl going into 'that' class. It is not a new news for her because there were girls in D class at her previous school. But she never knew what is coming to her...

A teacher asked the girl,

"Is the question hard to answer?"

The girl shake her head. The question was too simple for her that she could count her own mark if she can. Her mark is exactly at 35% for it's the lowest mark to pass the entry exam. The girl just smile and turn at her father. Her father knows very well about his daughter's attitude.

"Don't worry about her.She will do just find."

All the teachers there just nod their head. Already know what will happen. Maybe....

~The next day....~

As she standing beside the classroom, waiting for the homeroom teacher to call her in, she could not really see the condition in the class. She was thinking, why the teacher keep calling the students to keep quiet. Is the class really bad? Maybe? Because, before she enter the classroom, all the teachers in the staff room keep telling her to be very careful in 'that' classroom. She just nodded her head without knowing anything.

"We have a new student starting today... Please come in"

When she entered the classroom, she was shock! Yes... She must shock, because there were only boys in that classroom!!

"Arrgghhh... what's happening here!!!" she screamed in her heart.

She ran out of the classroom, calm her heart down, and got back to the classroom. Yes, there only boys in that classroom. She just have to face the truth about her class, the only-boys class, that 2-D class.
Of course the boys got shocked too. A girl in their class! The girl will gonna be very sorry to be in that classroom. The worst classroom in year 2 of that school.

- Midorikawa Sayori-

The word on the blackboard tells about her name.

"Mido-chan!!! Welcome to our class!!!" one of the boys scream.

Mido-chan!? That a weird name to called her. But, she thinks it will be okay. Mido-chan is not really bad too. Thank you.

Wait... Why I must thanked that boy for calling me such a weird name? AAAA... Whatever.

"Please seat next to Kanou Hanai-kun. Hanai-kun?"
"Yes. Here is your seat"

As she went to the seat, second from behind seat on the second row from the window, all the boys glare at her. She just smile... As what her mother told her before she went to school that morning...

"Remember to smile when you enter the classroom! Dear!!" oh my mother.

Here comes the first teacher of this day. The teacher teaches Mathematics. Yes!!! The girl's favorite subject.

"Good morning class..."

No respond from the students. The students just play happily with their balls, baseball and all... What a noisy class it is. All the boys there did not really wear school's uniform. There were jacket, sweater, T-shirt and all. Except a boys behind her. He seems a good boy. Wonder why....

"Do you hear ME!!! GOOD MORNING!!!" the teacher just shout from the bottom of he stomach.
"YES!!! we HEAR YOU!!!" owww.... the screaming of the 29 boys in that class just make her ears hurt.

So, this is what all the teachers want to tell her. About be cautious of this class. 2-D.

After class...

"Hey, Mido-chan. What makes you got into this class? What score did you get in the entry exam?" Hanai-kun starts the speech.

The boy who wear the striped yellow-orange shirt seats besides the girl.

"Hmm... How to say... It was just on purpose. I got 35% in the entry exam even though the exam is really easy. But I did not know that this class is full of boys."
The girl just told them the truth.

""What happen in here!!"" her thought just scream again.

"There is nothing wrong in here, Mido-chan" a boy spoke.
"Haaa!!?! What?" the girl turn to the boy behind her."Did you just read my mind?"
"Oh, about that, sorry. I'm Yukimura Daisuke. Just call me Yuki." the boy just smile.
"That Yuki power.... The power to read human's thought. Especially girl.. That why he turned to be in this class even though he is smart. Hahaha." the boy in front of the just tell everything all about Yuki-kun. "Oh yeah. I'm Hario. Hario Kazuki. But, maybe you can call me Kazuki."

She just stay calm. It's just two years to be with them. It will be okay. But... This class, is not like a class, it's more like a ghost town,or like the girl's big brother's bedroom, it's untidy and dark. Maybe... because there were just boys in this class. Oh my God!

Yuki-kun did not go out to play. He just sits quietly at his seat, reading. Of course the girl did not go out, the girl has her own bento.

""I wonder what happen to Yuki-kun..."" the girl thought
"There's nothing happen to me Mido-chan." Yuki-kun just spoke.
"Oh, okay, why don't you go out to eat? You'll gonna be hungry for the next period."
"I can't go out. It's uneasy for me to go outside. Some girls afraid of me. Girls from my previous class, maybe it's because I once read their mind. It's just sad you know. During the last class, I only go out after school is empty..."
"Hmmm.... You just wait here okay.?"

The girl run outside the classroom without saying anything. Yuki-kun just nod his head.

"I hope there's still melon bread left in the cafeteria!"

Once she arrived at the school cafeteria, there's only one melon bread left.

"Is there any coffee milk left, sis?"
"I'm sorry little girl, coffee milk just out of stock."
"It's okay, just give me the melon bread. Here, 120y."

The girl run back to her class. But she just happen to knock down a girl.

"Owwoww... Sorry, my bad."
"Don't mind, are you okay." said the other girl.
"I'm okay. What? I know you, you're.. you're Mariko!! Kawashima Mariko from Kyouto Junior High, right?"
"Sayori-chan! Long time don't see"

The girl just told her friend she is in 2-D class. A noisy class. But sorta fun.

"Here, I give it to you. Coffee milk. I bought extra. It happen you have melon bread. It,s good together with coffee milk."
"Thanks. I need to go now. See ya!."
"Let's meet after school!!" Mariko-chan shout.

She enter the classroom like a lightning.

"Yuki-kun!! Here eat this. Melon bread and coffee milk."
"Don't trouble yourself next time."
"Don't think bad. I just do not want to hear somebody's stomach screaming when I'm studying"
"Okay...okay. Whatever. Thank you, Mido-chan. Hehehe"

The girl just nod and finish her bento.
After that, she turned back at Yuki.

"Yuki-kun... Where do you live?"
"Kyouto Street, 1/3, House number 2"
"That's near my home."
"And why you asked that?"
"Well, I've seen you before.. Maybe at our neighborhood... once"
"So, that was your family who had just moved into the house right. You know.. House with a red car..."
"That's right. That is my house.."

Then, the other boys come in and make noise...

"Oh, look at the new happy couples there..." Hanai-kun start.
"So cuutee...." Kazuki encourage Hanai.
"Yuki, you just be so cunning. Tackle a girl like that..." Hanai just make Yuki feel uneasy.
"It's not like what you think. I know you like Mido-chan, so I won't take her from you." eehh... What Yuki-kun just said.
"Don't you dare read my mind, Yuki..."

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